The Writers' Summer School is a Registered Charity (No.1168531) and run on a not-for-profit basis. We rely very heavily on the goodwill of our many willing volunteers and supporters of the school.
There are many ways that you can support us.

There are lots of opportunities to help out during the week. You can sign up to be one of our Evening Entertainment hosts or help out in the Book Shop. We also need people to sell raffle tickets (first prize is a FREE week at the School!) and we often need tech savvy people who can be on hand to help out when the sound or power-point isn't working the way it should!
We also have a number of people who are our AMBASSADORS, who are around all week and are 'go to' for information about the school, especially if it's your first year.
If you would like to volunteer - please get in touch!
Help us PROMOTE the School on Social Media with our promotional images and printable leaflets!
Click below to download our
printable A4 or A5 leaflets that you can take to your local writers group, library or event.
You can leave us a gift in your Will or make a donation in memory of a loved Summer School friend.
You can also become a Friend of Swanwick, with a regular donation (minimum £5 per month) which supports the funding for both our Assisted Places and TopWrite Schemes.
​This is one of the easiest ways to support us! Shop on line with your favourite stores and they donate to us - without charging you a penny more!
Click below to sign up!
We strive to uphold the original ethos of the School which means that we gather together to share knowledge, passion and enthusiasm for the craft of writing, giving support to others on their writing journeys and forming lasting friendships with other writers. Our School encourages development of the craft through learning with peers at all stages of a writer’s journey; even experienced authors gain newfound knowledge.
We can't do all this without your help - so thank you!