The Summer School week is a busy one. Our special Mind Body Spirit sessions offer you some time to prepare yourself, relax, reflect and nurture the writer within. See below for details.

lift up your pens
‘Lift Up Your Pens’ comprises of four pre-breakfast writing sessions aimed at anyone who enjoys—or even relishes — early morning writing and creativity.
The sessions are in the general areas of creative expression, writing development, personal empowerment and sheer inspiration, all wrapped up with a big dollop of fun!
Come and join us for an uplifting writing exercise at 08.00 Sunday - Wednesday in room BLY1.

lift up your hearts
Every morning at 08:00 we hold this special session of just 15 minutes of very relaxed non-denominational reflection offering you a little tranquility before the busy day kicks in!
Each LUYH is different, as they are lead by a different delegate every day - so the accent is unique. Sessions maybe traditional, with hymns and readings, or there could be music, or a particular prayer or some poetry or experiences that have meant something to one of us - and often touch a chord with others, too.
Everyone is most welcome to just come along and don't worry if it is your first Summer School, or you are on your own - it matters not!. You'll soon feel part of the 'family'.
​Sessions held Sunday - Wednesday

meditation By
the lake
Each morning, from 08.00-08.30, enjoy a short, tranquil outdoor meditation in the beautiful area by the lake..
This is a chance to set your mind and body ready for the day ahead with some gentle breathing, movement and stillness.
If it’s raining, this session will be held in the Tissington Room.
​​Sessions held Sunday - Wednesday

unwind your mind
Invite your mind to settle as we listen to some beautiful music; perhaps do some gentle movement or stretching and replenish body, mind, and soul.
Visit that deep place of peace and tranquility where the seeds of creativity lie.
There is every chance you will leave relaxed, refreshed, and energised for the evening ahead. The inspiration
for your next work of art may even be born here!
Sessions are held Sunday, Monday & Tuesday at 17.15-18.00 in room BLY1.